Switching review frequency to quarterly, plus special annual update

My month-in-review blog posts have been great for helping me keep track of what I’m doing, but the frequency has been a little too high for each update to add significant marginal value. Based on the response (or lack thereof) to the updates so far, I believe it would make sense to do quarterly reviews instead. Since my last monthly review was finished in October, the first quarter for which I’ll do a review will be November 2015 to January 2016, and the review will be published in February 2016.

In addition, I’ll aim to do a special annual update by the end of January 2016 summarizing what I’ve done in 2015. The annual review won’t be synced with the quarters, which I consider a plus because it means there will be no month when I need to prepare two reviews.

The reduction in time spent preparing monthly updates will help me do more stuff that I can then include in those updates!

UPDATE: The annual review will probably be delayed by a few weeks as I straighten out some of my other affairs.